Tag Archives: veterinary

Pourquoi s’inscrire à l’atelier Data Carpentry lors du prochain ISVEE14?

L’échéance approche à grands pas pour s’inscrire à un atelier lors du prochain ISVEE14 qui aura lieu à Merida, Mexique (31 juillet). Il y a un choix de plusieurs ateliers, tous aussi intéressants les uns que les autres, mais visant souvent un public qui a déjà une certaine expérience en épidémiologie et analyse de données. Cependant beaucoup de chercheurs ne sont pas familiers aux meilleures pratiques et outils requis dans le cycle de vie des données, de la gestion de ces données, la saisie et la création de métadonnées, l’analyse des données, à leur partage et leur ré-utilisation.

Data Carpentry vise à apprendre ces compétences qui permettent aux chercheurs d’être plus efficaces et productifs. Un atelier de 3 jours est proposé après la conférence ISVEE (8, 9 et 10 novembre).

Cet atelier est conçu pour les personnes avec peu ou pas d’expérience informatique (càd public novice), procurant les concepts de base, les compétences et outils pour travailler de manière plus efficace avec des données. Notre méthode d’enseignement est pratique, les participants doivent donc apporter leur propre ordinateur portable. Nous fournirons à l’avance les instructions nécessaires pour installer les logiciels requis et de l’aide sera disponible sur place. Aucun pré-requis n’est demandé et les outils utilisés ne requièrent pas de connaissances préalables. Aucune connaissance particulière en statistiques n’est demandée. Les chercheurs à différents niveaux dans leur carrière sont ciblés (étudiants au doctorat, chercheurs post-doctoraux, chercheurs associés, dans l’industrie ou au gouvernement, …). Le programme comprend:

  • comment utiliser des tableurs (tels que Excel) plus efficacement, et leurs limites,
  • passer de ces tableurs à des outils plus puissants pour manipuler et analyser les données, avec le logiciel statistique R,
  • se servir de bases de données, incluant les gérer et interroger avec SQL,
  • utiliser Git, un système de contrôle de version de pointe qui permet de suivre qui fait des changements à quoi et quand,
  • établir un flux de travail et automatiser les tâches répétitives, en particulier en ayant recours à la ligne de commande shell et aux scripts shell.

Les instructeurs ont appris beaucoup de ces compétences à leurs dépens et savent la différence qu’elles peuvent apporter à leur productivité et la possibilité de nouvelles ou meilleures recherches qu’elles permettent.

La recherche reproductible est importante et de bonnes pratiques sont essentielles.

On se revoit à Merida!

Plus d’informations à propos de l’atelier Data Carpentry à ISVEE ici.

Plus d’informations à propos de Data Carpentry et Software Carpentry.

Data Carpentry: Workshops to Increase Data Literacy for Researchers

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Modelling Survival Data – Parametric and Frailty Models

Last post on modelling survival data from Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: parametric analyses. The Cox proportional hazards model described in the last post make no assumption about the shape of the baseline hazard, which is an advantage if you have no idea about what that shape might be. With a parametric survival model, the survival time is assumed to follow a known distribution: Weibull, exponential (which is a special case of the Weibull), log-logistic, log-normal, and generalized gamma.

Exponential Model
The exponential model is the simplest, the hazard h_0(t) is constant over time: the rate at which failures are occurring is constant, h(t) = \lambda . We use again the pgtrial dataset:

temp <- tempfile()
"http://ic.upei.ca/ver/sites/ic.upei.ca.ver/files/ver2_data_R.zip", temp)
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/pgtrial.rdata"))

pgtrial <- upData(pgtrial, labels = c(herd = 'Herd id', cow = 'Cow id',
tx = 'Treatment', lact = 'Lactation number',
thin = 'Body condition', dar = 'Days at risk',
preg = 'Pregnant or censored'),
levels = list(thin = list('normal' = 0, 'thin' = 1),
preg = list('censored' = 0, 'pregnant' = 1)))
pgtrial$herd <- as.factor(pgtrial$herd)

exp.mod <- survreg(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + (lact - 1) +
                   thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "exponential")

survreg(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + 
    (lact - 1) + thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "exponential")
           Value Std. Error     z         p
herd1     4.3629     0.1827 23.88 4.66e-126
herd2     4.6776     0.1711 27.34 1.41e-164
herd3     4.3253     0.1617 26.75 1.12e-157
tx       -0.2178     0.1255 -1.74  8.26e-02
lact      0.0416     0.0413  1.01  3.14e-01
thinthin  0.1574     0.1383  1.14  2.55e-01

Scale fixed at 1 

Exponential distribution
Loglik(model)= -1459.9   Loglik(intercept only)= -1465.6
	Chisq= 11.42 on 5 degrees of freedom, p= 0.044 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
n= 319

Interpretation is the same as for a Cox model. Exponentiated coefficients are hazard ratios. R outputs the parameter estimates of the AFT (accelerated failure time) form of the exponential model. If you multiply the estimated coefficients by minus one you get estimates that are consistent with the proportional hazards parameterization of the model. So for tx, the estimated hazard ratio is exp(0.2178) = 1.24 (at any given point in time, a treated cow is 1.24 times more likely to conceive than a non-treated cow). The corresponding accelerating factor for an exponential model is the reciprocal of the hazard ratio, exp(-0.2178) = 0.80: treating a cow accelerates the time to conception by a factor of 0.80.

Weibull Model

In a Weibull model, the hazard function is h(t) = \lambda p t^{p-1} where p and \lambda are > 0. p is the shape parameter and determines the shape of the hazard function. If it’s > 1 , the hazard increases with time. If p = 1 , the hazard is constant and the model reduces to an exponential model. If p < 1 , the hazard decreases over time.

pgtrial$parity <- recode(pgtrial$lact, "1 = 1; 2:hi = '2+'")
weib.mod <- survreg(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + parity +
                   thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "weibull")

survreg(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + 
    parity + thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "weibull")
               Value Std. Error       z         p
(Intercept)  4.23053     0.1937 21.8412 9.42e-106
herd2        0.36117     0.1947  1.8548  6.36e-02
herd3       -0.00822     0.1980 -0.0415  9.67e-01
tx          -0.23386     0.1438 -1.6262  1.04e-01
parity2+     0.33819     0.1490  2.2698  2.32e-02
thinthin     0.11222     0.1576  0.7119  4.77e-01
Log(scale)   0.13959     0.0509  2.7407  6.13e-03

Scale= 1.15 

Weibull distribution
Loglik(model)= -1453.7   Loglik(intercept only)= -1460.7
	Chisq= 14 on 5 degrees of freedom, p= 0.016 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
n= 319 

The shape parameter is the reciprocal of what is called by R the scale parameter. The shape parameter is then 1/1.15 = 0.869.

We can also use a piecewise constant exponential regression model, which is a model allowing the baseline hazard to vary between time periods but forces it to remain constant within time periods. In order to run such a model, we need data in a counting process format with a start and stop time for each interval. However, survreg does not allow for a data in that format. The trick would be to use a glm and fitting a Poisson model, including time intervals. See this post by Stephanie Kovalchik which explains how to construct the data and model. The example below is using the same approach, for a time interval of 40 days:

interval.width <- 40
# function to compute time breaks given the exit time = dar
cow.breaks <- function(dar) unique(c(seq(0, dar, by = interval.width),
# list of each subject's time periods
the.breaks <- lapply(unique(pgtrial$cow), function(id){
  cow.breaks(max(pgtrial$dar[pgtrial$cow == id]))
# the expanded period of observation:
start <- lapply(the.breaks, function(x) x[-length(x)]) # for left time points
stop <-  lapply(the.breaks, function(x) x[-1]) # for right time points

count.per.cow <- sapply(start, length)
index <- tapply(pgtrial$cow, pgtrial$cow, length)
index <- cumsum(index) # index of last observation for each cow

event <- rep(0, sum(count.per.cow))
event[cumsum(count.per.cow)] <- pgtrial$preg[index]

# creating the expanded dataset
pw.pgtrial <- data.frame(
    cow = rep(pgtrial$cow[index], count.per.cow),
    dar = rep(pgtrial$dar[index], count.per.cow),
    herd = rep(pgtrial$herd[index], count.per.cow),
    tx = rep(pgtrial$tx[index], count.per.cow),
    lact = rep(pgtrial$lact[index], count.per.cow),
    thin = rep(pgtrial$thin[index], count.per.cow),
    start = unlist(start),
    stop = unlist(stop),
    event = event

# create time variable which indicates the period of observation (offset in Poisson model)
pw.pgtrial$time <- pw.pgtrial$stop - pw.pgtrial$start # length of observation

# create a factor for each interval, allowing to have a different rate for each period
pw.pgtrial$interval <- factor(pw.pgtrial$start)

pw.pgtrial[100:110, ]
    cow dar herd tx lact   thin start stop event time interval
100  61 113    1  1    4   thin     0   40     0   40        0
101  61 113    1  1    4   thin    40   80     0   40       40
102  61 113    1  1    4   thin    80  113     1   33       80
103  62 117    1  0    7 normal     0   40     0   40        0
104  62 117    1  0    7 normal    40   80     0   40       40
105  62 117    1  0    7 normal    80  117     2   37       80
106  63 121    1  1    1   thin     0   40     0   40        0
107  63 121    1  1    1   thin    40   80     0   40       40
108  63 121    1  1    1   thin    80  120     0   40       80
109  63 121    1  1    1   thin   120  121     2    1      120
110  64 122    1  1    3 normal     0   40     0   40        0

# Poisson model
pw.model <- glm(event ~ offset(log(time)) + interval + herd + tx + lact +
+                 thin, data = pw.pgtrial, family = "poisson")

glm(formula = event ~ offset(log(time)) + interval + herd + tx + 
    lact + thin, family = "poisson", data = pw.pgtrial)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.858  -1.373  -1.227   1.357   3.904  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -3.602545   0.132436 -27.202  < 2e-16 ***
interval40  -0.112838   0.106807  -1.056  0.29076    
interval80  -0.064105   0.125396  -0.511  0.60920    
interval120 -0.007682   0.147919  -0.052  0.95858    
interval160 -0.005743   0.191778  -0.030  0.97611    
interval200 -0.427775   0.309143  -1.384  0.16644    
interval240  0.199904   0.297331   0.672  0.50137    
interval280  0.737508   0.385648   1.912  0.05583 .  
interval320  0.622366   1.006559   0.618  0.53637    
herd2       -0.254389   0.114467  -2.222  0.02626 *  
herd3        0.026851   0.119416   0.225  0.82209    
tx           0.219584   0.084824   2.589  0.00963 ** 
lact        -0.023528   0.027511  -0.855  0.39241    
thinthin    -0.139915   0.093632  -1.494  0.13509    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2155.6  on 798  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2131.1  on 785  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2959.1

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

Log-logistic Model

loglog.mod <- survreg(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + lact +
                   thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "loglogistic")

survreg(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + 
    lact + thin, data = pgtrial, dist = "loglogistic")
              Value Std. Error      z        p
(Intercept)  3.9544     0.2531 15.625 4.91e-55
herd2        0.2537     0.2355  1.077 2.81e-01
herd3       -0.1019     0.2437 -0.418 6.76e-01
tx          -0.3869     0.1768 -2.189 2.86e-02
lact         0.0612     0.0550  1.112 2.66e-01
thinthin     0.0400     0.1894  0.211 8.33e-01
Log(scale)  -0.1260     0.0515 -2.447 1.44e-02

Scale= 0.882 

Log logistic distribution
Loglik(model)= -1467.2   Loglik(intercept only)= -1472.2
	Chisq= 9.85 on 5 degrees of freedom, p= 0.08 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 4 
n= 319 

Individual Frailty Model
In an individual frailty model, we add variance unique to individuals in order to account for additional variability in the hazard (like negative binomial model vs. Poisson model). For example, let’s fit a Weibull model with gamma individual frailty to the prostaglandin dataset:

pgtrial$preg.bin <- as.numeric(pgtrial$preg) - 1
indfr.mod <- parfm(Surv(dar, preg.bin) ~ herd + tx + lact + thin,
             cluster = "cow", data = pgtrial, dist = "weibull",
             frailty = "gamma")
Execution time: 17.872 second(s) 
Frailty distribution: gamma 
Baseline hazard distribution: Weibull 
Loglikelihood: -1455.679 

         ESTIMATE SE    p-val    
theta     0.000   0.003          
rho       0.867   0.044          
lambda    0.024   0.006          
herd2    -0.289   0.169 0.088 .  
herd3     0.039   0.175 0.824    
tx        0.204   0.125 0.103    
lact     -0.041   0.041 0.314    
thinthin -0.136   0.138 0.323    
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Shared Frailty
Shared frailty is a way to deal with clustered data. We will use the “culling” dataset and fit a shared frailty model with a Weibull distribution and a gamma distributed frailty common to all cows in a herd:

temp <- tempfile()
  "http://ic.upei.ca/ver/sites/ic.upei.ca.ver/files/ver2_data_R.zip", temp)
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/culling.rdata"))

shfrw.mod <- frailtyPenal(Surv(dar, culled) ~ as.factor(lact_c3) + johnes +
                          hazard = 'Weibull', data = culling, Frailty = TRUE)
shfrw.sum <- cbind(shfrw.mod$coef, sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH)), 
                 shfrw.mod$coef / sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH)), 
        signif(1 - pchisq((shfrw.mod$coef/sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH)))^2, 1)),
 exp(shfrw.mod$coef - abs(qnorm((1 - 0.95) / 2)) * sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH))), 
 exp(shfrw.mod$coef + abs(qnorm((1 - 0.95) / 2)) * sqrt(diag(shfrw.mod$varH))))
row.names(shfrw.sum) <- c("Lactation 2", "Lactation 3+", "Johnes")
colnames(shfrw.sum) <- c("Coef.", "Std. Err.", "z", "p-value", "Hazard Ratio", 
                       "Lower CI", "Upper CI")
                 Coef. Std. Err.        z     p-value Hazard Ratio  Lower CI
Lactation 2  0.2518627 0.1450806 1.736019 8.25605e-02     1.286419 0.9680321
Lactation 3+ 0.7636558 0.1227840 6.219508 4.98717e-10     2.146108 1.6870874
Johnes       0.5914741 0.3045475 1.942141 5.21200e-02     1.806650 0.9945867
             Upper CI
Lactation 2  1.709525
Lactation 3+ 2.730017
Johnes       3.281748

That’s it for reproducing the examples from Dohoo’s book, chapter on modelling survival data. Next time I’ll look at mixed models.

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Modelling Survival Data – Semi-Parametric Analyses

Next on modelling survival data from Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: semi-parametric analyses. With non-parametric analyses, we could only evaluate the effect one or a small number of variables. To evaluate multiple explanatory variables, we analyze data with a proportional hazards model, the Cox regression. The functional form of the baseline hazard is not specified, which make the Cox model a semi-parametric model.
A Cox proportional hazards model is fit hereafter, on data from a clinical trial of the effect of prostaglandin adminsitration on the start of breeding period of dairy cows:

temp <- tempfile()
"http://ic.upei.ca/ver/sites/ic.upei.ca.ver/files/ver2_data_R.zip", temp)
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/pgtrial.rdata"))

pgtrial <- upData(pgtrial, labels = c(herd = 'Herd id', cow = 'Cow id',
                             tx = 'Treatment', lact = 'Lactation number',
                             thin = 'Body condition', dar = 'Days at risk',
                             preg = 'Pregnant or censored'),
                  levels = list(thin = list('normal' = 0, 'thin' = 1),
                    preg = list('censored' = 0, 'pregnant' = 1)))
pgtrial$herd <- as.factor(pgtrial$herd)

coxph.mod <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + lact + thin,
                   data = pgtrial, ties = 'breslow')
(coxph.sum <- summary(coxph.mod))
coxph(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + lact + 
    thin, data = pgtrial, ties = "breslow")

  n= 319, number of events= 264 

             coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z Pr(>|z|)  
herd2    -0.28445   0.75243  0.16981 -1.675   0.0939 .
herd3     0.03676   1.03744  0.17426  0.211   0.8329  
tx        0.18359   1.20152  0.12543  1.464   0.1433  
lact     -0.04283   0.95807  0.04109 -1.042   0.2972  
thinthin -0.14557   0.86453  0.13794 -1.055   0.2913  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

         exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
herd2       0.7524     1.3290    0.5394     1.050
herd3       1.0374     0.9639    0.7373     1.460
tx          1.2015     0.8323    0.9396     1.536
lact        0.9581     1.0438    0.8839     1.038
thinthin    0.8645     1.1567    0.6597     1.133

Concordance= 0.564  (se = 0.021 )
Rsquare= 0.029   (max possible= 1 )
Likelihood ratio test= 9.5  on 5 df,   p=0.09084
Wald test            = 9.32  on 5 df,   p=0.09685
Score (logrank) test = 9.34  on 5 df,   p=0.09611

R gives several options to control ties in case several events occurred at the same time: the Efron method (default in R), Breslow method (default in software like SAS or Stata), and the exact method. Breslow is the simplest and adequate if not too many ties in the dataset. Efron is closer to the exact approximation.

Stratified Cox Propotional Hazards Model

In a stratified Cox model, different baseline hazards are assumed across groups of subjects. The Cox model is modified to allow the control of a predictor which do not satisfy the proportional hazards (PH) assumption. We refit the above model by stratifying by herd and including a treatment by herd interaction:

scoxph.mod <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ tx + tx*herd + lact + thin +
                    strata(herd), data = pgtrial, method = 'breslow')
coxph(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ tx + tx * herd + 
    lact + thin + strata(herd), data = pgtrial, method = "breslow")

  n= 319, number of events= 264 

             coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z Pr(>|z|)  
tx       -0.02160   0.97863  0.25528 -0.085   0.9326  
herd2          NA        NA  0.00000     NA       NA  
herd3          NA        NA  0.00000     NA       NA  
lact     -0.04600   0.95504  0.04065 -1.132   0.2578  
thinthin -0.13593   0.87291  0.13833 -0.983   0.3258  
tx:herd2 -0.05659   0.94498  0.33570 -0.169   0.8661  
tx:herd3  0.54494   1.72451  0.31823  1.712   0.0868 .
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

         exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
tx          0.9786     1.0218    0.5934     1.614
herd2           NA         NA        NA        NA
herd3           NA         NA        NA        NA
lact        0.9550     1.0471    0.8819     1.034
thinthin    0.8729     1.1456    0.6656     1.145
tx:herd2    0.9450     1.0582    0.4894     1.825
tx:herd3    1.7245     0.5799    0.9242     3.218

Concordance= 0.56  (se = 0.035 )
Rsquare= 0.032   (max possible= 0.998 )
Likelihood ratio test= 10.32  on 5 df,   p=0.06658
Wald test            = 10.5  on 5 df,   p=0.0623
Score (logrank) test = 10.66  on 5 df,   p=0.05851

Evaluating the Assumption of Proportional Hazards

We can evaluate it graphically, by examining the log-cumulative hazard plot vs. ln(time) and check if the curves are parallel:

coxph.mod2 <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ tx, data = pgtrial,
                   ties = 'breslow')
pgtrial2 <- with(pgtrial, data.frame(tx = c(0, 1)))
tfit.add <- survfit(coxph.mod2, newdata = pgtrial2)
df1 <- data.frame(
    time    = tfit.add[1, ]$time,
    n.risk  = tfit.add[1, ]$n.risk,
    n.event = tfit.add[1, ]$n.event,
    surv    = tfit.add[1, ]$surv,
    strata  = "0",
    upper   = tfit.add[1, ]$upper,
    lower   = tfit.add[1, ]$lower,
    log.surv = log(-log(tfit.add[1, ]$surv))
df2 <- data.frame(
    time    = tfit.add[2, ]$time,
    n.risk  = tfit.add[2, ]$n.risk,
    n.event = tfit.add[2, ]$n.event,
    surv    = tfit.add[2, ]$surv,
    strata  = "1",
    upper   = tfit.add[2, ]$upper,
    lower   = tfit.add[2, ]$lower,
    log.surv = log(-log(tfit.add[2, ]$surv))
dfpar.add <- rbind(df1, df2)
zeros <- data.frame(time = 0, surv = 1, strata = c(1, 2), 
                     upper = 1, lower = 1)
dfpar.add <- rbind.fill(zeros, dfpar.add)
dfpar.add$strata <- factor(dfpar.add$strata, labels = c("No tx", "Tx"))
ggplot(dfpar.add, aes(log(time), log.surv, colour = strata)) + 
  geom_step(size = 0.6) + 
  scale_color_manual("Tx", values = c('blue4', 'darkorange')) + 
  xlab("ln(time)") + ylab("Log-log survival")
Log cumulative hazard plot
Log cumulative hazard plot

Another graphical approach is to compare plots of predicted survival times from a Cox model (assuming PH) to Kaplan-Meier survivor function (which do not assume PH):

tfit.km <- survfit(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ tx, data = pgtrial)
df3.km <- data.frame(
    time    = tfit.km$time,
    n.risk  = tfit.km$n.risk,
    n.event = tfit.km$n.event,
    surv    = tfit.km$surv,
    strata  = gsub("tx=", "", summary(tfit.km, censored = T)$strata),
    upper   = tfit.km$upper,
    lower   = tfit.km$lower
zeros <- data.frame(time = 0, surv = 1, strata = gsub("tx=", "", 
                     upper = 1, lower = 1)
df3.km <- rbind.fill(df3.km, zeros)
df3.km$cat <- with(df3.km, ifelse(strata == "0", "No tx, observed",
                                  "Tx, observed"))
dfpar.add$cat <- with(dfpar.add, ifelse(strata == "No tx", "No tx, expected",
                                        "Tx, expected"))
dfpar.obs <- rbind.fill(dfpar.add, df3.km)
ggplot(dfpar.obs, aes(time, surv, colour = cat)) + 
   geom_step(size = 0.6) + 
   scale_color_manual("", values = c('blue1', 'blue4', 'darkorange1',
                            'darkorange4')) + 
   xlab("time") + ylab("survival probability")
Kaplan-Meier Cox plot
Kaplan-Meier Cox plot

You can also assess PH statistically with the Schoenfeld residuals using cox.zph function:

(schoen <- cox.zph(coxph.mod))
             rho chisq      p
herd2    -0.0630 1.100 0.2942
herd3    -0.0443 0.569 0.4506
tx       -0.1078 3.141 0.0763
lact      0.0377 0.447 0.5035
thinthin -0.0844 2.012 0.1560
GLOBAL        NA 7.631 0.1778

plot(schoen, var = 4)
Schoenfeld residuals for lactation
Schoenfeld residuals for lactation

Evaluating the Overall Fit of the Model

First we can look at the Cox-Snell residuals, which are the estimated cumulative hazards for individuals at their failure (or censoring) times. The default residuals of coxph in R are the martingale residuals, not the Cox-Snell. But it can be computed:

cox.snell <- (as.numeric(pgtrial$preg) - 1) - resid(coxph.mod,
                                                    type = "martingale")
coxph.res <- survfit(coxph(Surv(cox.snell, pgtrial$preg == 'pregnant') ~ 1,
                           method = 'breslow'), type = 'aalen')

plot(coxph.res$time, -log(coxph.res$surv), type = 's',
     xlab = 'Modified Cox-Snell residuals', ylab = 'Cumulative hazard')
abline(0, 1, col = 'red', lty = 2)

## Alternatively:
coxph.res2 <- survfit(Surv(cox.snell, pgtrial$preg == 'pregnant') ~ 1)
Htilde <- cumsum(coxph.res2$n.event / coxph.res$n.risk)
plot(coxph.res2$time, Htilde, type = 's', col = 'blue')
abline(0, 1, col = 'red', lty = 2)
Plot of Cox-Snell residuals
Plot of Cox-Snell residuals

We can also use a goodness-of-fit test:

## GOF (Gronnesby and Borgan omnibus gof)

Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.35
Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.506
Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by herd2-variable.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.041
Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.589
Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by herd3-variable.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0
Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.071
Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by tx-variable.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.728
Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.733
Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by lact-variable.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.106
Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.091
Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by thinthin-variable.

We can evaluate the concordance between the predicted and observed sequence of pairs of events. Harrell’s c index computes the proportion of all pairs of subjects in which the model correctly predicts the sequence of events. It ranges from 0 to 1 with 0.5 for random predictions and 1 for a perfectly discriminating model. It is obtained from the Somer’s Dxy rank correlation:

fit.cph <- cph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + lact + thin,
               data = pgtrial, x = TRUE, y = TRUE, surv = TRUE)
v <- validate(fit.cph, dxy = TRUE, B = 100)
Dxy <- v[rownames(v) == "Dxy", colnames(v) == "index.corrected"]
(Dxy / 2) + 0.5 # c index
[1] 0.4538712

Evaluating the Functional Form of Predictors

We can use martingale residuals to evaluate the functional form of the relationship between a continuous predictor and the survival expectation for individuals:

lact.mod <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ lact, data = pgtrial,
                  ties = 'breslow')
lact.res <- resid(lact.mod, type = "martingale")
plot(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, xlab = 'lactation', ylab = 'Martingale residuals')
lines(lowess(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, iter = 0))
# adding quadratic term
lact.mod <- update(lact.mod, . ~ . + I(lact^2))
lact.res <- resid(lact.mod, type = "martingale")
plot(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, xlab = 'lactation', ylab = 'Martingale residuals')
lines(lowess(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, iter = 0))
Plot of marrtingale residuals vs. lactation number
Plot of marrtingale residuals vs. lactation number
Plot of martingale residuals vs. lactation number (as quadratic term)
Plot of martingale residuals vs. lactation number (as quadratic term)

Checking for Outliers

Deviance residuals can be used to identify outliers:

## deviance residuals
dev.res <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "deviance")
plot(pgtrial$dar, dev.res, xlab = 'time (days)', ylab = 'deviance residuals')

cbind(dev.res, pgtrial)[abs(dev.res) > 2, ]
      dev.res herd cow tx lact   thin dar     preg
1    2.557832    1   1  0    1 normal   1 pregnant
2    2.592492    1   2  1    4   thin   1 pregnant
3    2.319351    1   3  1    1 normal   2 pregnant
73  -2.693731    1  76  1    1 normal 277 censored
74   2.734508    2  78  0    2   thin   1 pregnant
75   2.644885    2  79  1    4 normal   1 pregnant
76   2.436308    2  80  1    1 normal   2 pregnant
176 -2.015925    2 180  1    2 normal 201 censored
180 -2.196008    2 184  1    2 normal 250 censored
183 -2.081493    2 187  1    3   thin 288 censored
185 -2.238729    2 189  0    1 normal 346 censored
314 -2.274912    3 318  0    1   thin 262 censored
315 -2.226711    3 319  0    2   thin 262 censored
316 -2.182517    3 320  0    4   thin 287 censored
317 -2.278029    3 321  0    2   thin 288 censored
318 -2.341736    3 322  0    3   thin 308 censored
319 -2.392427    3 323  0    2   thin 320 censored
Deviance residuals
Deviance residuals

Score residuals and scaled score residuals can be used to identify influential observations:

### Detecting influential points
# score residuals
score.res <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "score")
# score residuals for tx
plot(pgtrial$dar, score.res[ , 3], xlab = 'time (days)',
     ylab = 'score residuals')
text(pgtrial$dar, score.res[ , 3], rownames(pgtrial), cex = 0.6, pos = 4)

cbind(score.res[ , 3], pgtrial)[abs(score.res[ , 3]) > 2, ]
   score.res[, 3] herd cow tx lact   thin dar     preg
73      -2.025537    1  76  1    1 normal 277 censored

## influential observations
dfbeta <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "dfbeta")
# dfbeta residuals for tx
plot(pgtrial$dar, dfbeta[ , 3], xlab = 'time (days)',
     ylab = 'scaled score residual')
text(pgtrial$dar, dfbeta[ , 3], rownames(pgtrial), cex = 0.6, pos = 4)

# with standardized dfbeta
dfbetas <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "dfbetas")
plot(pgtrial$dar, dfbetas[ , 3], xlab = 'time (days)',
     ylab = 'standardized score residuals')
text(pgtrial$dar, dfbetas[ , 3], rownames(pgtrial), cex = 0.6, pos = 4)
Score residuals
Score residuals
Scaled score residuals (delta-beta)
Scaled score residuals (delta-beta)
Standardized score residuals
Standardized score residuals

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Modelling Survival Data – Non-Parametric Analyses

Next topic from Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: chapter 19, modelling survival data. We start with non-parametric analyses where we make no assumptions about either the distribution of survival times or the functional form of the relationship between a predictor and survival. There are 3 non-parametric methods to describe time-to-event data: actuarial life tables, Kaplan-Meier method, and Nelson-Aalen method.
We use data on occurrence of calf pneumonia in calves raised in 2 different housing systems. Calves surviving to 150 days without pneumonia are considered censored at that time.

temp <- tempfile()
"http://ic.upei.ca/ver/sites/ic.upei.ca.ver/files/ver2_data_R.zip", temp)
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/calf_pneu.rdata"))

calf_pneu <- upData(calf_pneu, labels = c(calf = 'Calf id',
                                  stock = 'Stocking method',
                             days = 'Time to onset of pneumonia or censoring',
                                  pn = 'Pneumonia'),
                  levels = list(stock = list('batch' = 0, 'continuous' = 1)))

Actuarial Life Table

To create a life table, we use the function lifetab from package KMsurv, after calculating the number of censored and events at each time point and grouping them by time interval (with gsummary from package nlme).

interval <- seq(from = 30, to = 165, by = 15)
interval <- floor(calf_pneu$days/15)
interval.censor <- data.frame(interval, calf_pneu$pn)
pneumonia <- gsummary(interval.censor, sum, groups = interval)
total <- gsummary(interval.censor, length, groups = interval)
lt.data <- cbind(pneumonia[ , 1:2], total[ , 2])
length <- length(lt.data$interval)
lt.data[length + 1, ]$interval <- NA
nevent <- lt.data[ , 2]
nlost <- lt.data[ , 3] - lt.data[ , 2]
(life.table <- lifetab(lt.data$interval, 24, nlost, nevent))
      nsubs nlost nrisk nevent      surv        pdf     hazard    se.surv
1-3      24     0  24.0      1 1.0000000 0.02083333 0.02127660 0.00000000
3-4      23     0  23.0      1 0.9583333 0.04166667 0.04444444 0.04078938
4-5      22     0  22.0      1 0.9166667 0.04166667 0.04651163 0.05641693
5-6      21     0  21.0      3 0.8750000 0.12500000 0.15384615 0.06750772
6-7      18     1  17.5      2 0.7500000 0.08571429 0.12121212 0.08838835
7-8      15     6  12.0      3 0.6642857 0.16607143 0.28571429 0.09686316
8-10      6     0   6.0      1 0.4982143 0.04151786 0.09090909 0.11032937
10-NA     5     5   2.5      0 0.4151786         NA         NA 0.11915934
NA-3      0    NA    NA     NA 0.4151786         NA         NA 0.11915934
          se.pdf  se.hazard
1-3   0.02039469 0.02127178
3-4   0.04078938 0.04443347
4-5   0.04078938 0.04649905
5-6   0.06750772 0.08855994
6-7   0.05792828 0.08555236
7-8   0.08649471 0.16326531
8-10  0.03899969 0.09053265
10-NA         NA         NA
NA-3          NA         NA

Kaplan-Meier Method

To compute the Kaplan-Meier estimator we use the function survfit from package survival. It takes as argument a Surv object, which gives the time variable and the event of interest. You get the Kaplan-Meier estimate with the summary of the survfit object. We can then plot the estimates to show the Kaplan-Meier survivor function.

km.sf <- survfit(Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ 1, data = calf_pneu)
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ 1, data = calf_pneu)

 time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
   27     24       1    0.958  0.0408        0.882        1.000
   49     23       1    0.917  0.0564        0.813        1.000
   72     22       1    0.875  0.0675        0.752        1.000
   79     21       2    0.792  0.0829        0.645        0.972
   89     19       1    0.750  0.0884        0.595        0.945
   90     18       1    0.708  0.0928        0.548        0.916
  101     17       1    0.667  0.0962        0.502        0.885
  113     15       2    0.578  0.1019        0.409        0.816
  117      9       1    0.514  0.1089        0.339        0.778
  123      6       1    0.428  0.1198        0.247        0.741

plot(km.sf, xlab = "time (days)", ylab = "cumulative survival probability", conf.int = TRUE)
Kaplan-Meier survivor function (95% CI)
Kaplan-Meier survivor function (95% CI)

Nelson-Aalen Method

A “hazard” is the probability of failure at a point in time, given that the calf had survived up to that point in time. A cumulative hazard, the Nelson-Aaalen estimate, can be computed. The Nelson-Aalen estimate can be calculated by transforming the Fleming-Harrington estimate of survival.

fh.sf <- survfit(Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ 1, data = calf_pneu, type = "fleming")

plot(stepfun(fh.sf$time, c(0, -log(fh.sf$surv))), do.points = FALSE, 
      xlab = "time (days)", ylab = "cumulative hazard",
      main = "", ylim = c(0, 1.5))
lines(stepfun(fh.sf$time, c(0, -log(fh.sf$upper))), lty = 5, do.points = FALSE)
lines(stepfun(fh.sf$time, c(0, -log(fh.sf$lower))), lty = 5, do.points = FALSE)
Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard function
Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard function (95% CI)

Tests of the Overall Survival Curve

Several tests are available to test whether the overall survivor functions in 2 or more groups are equal. We can use the log-rank test, the simplest test, assigning equal weight to each time point estimate and equivalent to a standard Mantel-Haenszel test. Also, there’s the Peto-Peto-Prentice test which weights the stratum-specific estimates by the overall survival experience and so reduces the influence of different censoring patterns between groups.
To do these tests, we apply the survdiff function to the Surv object. The argument rho gives the weights according to S^{(t)}\rho and may be any numeric value. Default is rho = 0 which gives the log-rank test. Rho = 1 gives the “Peto & Peto modification of the Gehan-Wilcoxon test”. Rho larger than zero gives greater weight to the first part of the survival curves. Rho smaller than zero gives weight to the later part of the survival curves.

survdiff(Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ stock, data = calf_pneu, rho = 0) # rho is optional
survdiff(formula = Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ stock, data = calf_pneu, 
    rho = 0)

                  N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
stock=batch      12        4     6.89      1.21      2.99
stock=continuous 12        8     5.11      1.63      2.99

 Chisq= 3  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.084

survdiff(Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ stock, data = calf_pneu, rho = 1) # rho=1 asks for Peto-Peto test
survdiff(formula = Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ stock, data = calf_pneu, 
    rho = 1)

                  N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
stock=batch      12     2.89     5.25      1.06      3.13
stock=continuous 12     6.41     4.05      1.38      3.13

 Chisq= 3.1  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.0766

Finally we can compare survivor function with stock R plot or using ggplot2. With ggplot2, you get the necessary data from the survfit object and create a new data frame from it. The baseline data (time = 0) are not there so you create it yourself:

(km.stock <- survfit(Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ stock, data = calf_pneu))
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(days, pn == 1) ~ stock, data = calf_pneu)

                 records n.max n.start events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
stock=batch           12    12      12      4     NA     123      NA
stock=continuous      12    12      12      8    113      79      NA

plot(km.stock, conf.int = FALSE, col = c("blue4", "darkorange"),
      xlab = "time (days)", ylab = "cumulative survival probability")
legend("bottomleft", inset = .05, c("batch", "continuous"),
        text.col = c("blue4", "darkorange"))

km.df <- data.frame(
    time    = km.stock$time,
    n.risk  = km.stock$n.risk,
    n.event = km.stock$n.event,
    surv    = km.stock$surv,
    strata  = gsub("stock=", "", summary(km.stock, censored = T)$strata),
    upper   = km.stock$upper,
    lower   = km.stock$lower
zeros <- data.frame(time = 0, surv = 1, strata = gsub("stock=", "",
                     upper = 1, lower = 1)
km.df <- rbind.fill(zeros, km.df)
km.df$strata <- ordered(km.df$strata, levels = c("batch", "continuous"))
ggplot(km.df, aes(time, surv, colour = strata)) + 
   geom_step(size = 0.6) + xlim(0, 150) + ylim(0, 1) + 
   xlab("time (days)") + ylab("cumulative survival probability") +
   labs(colour = "stock")
K-M survival curves, by stocking type
K-M survival curves, by stocking type


Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Count and Rate Data – Poisson Regression and Risk Ratios

As noted on paragraph 18.4.1 of the book Veterinary Epidemiologic Research, logistic regression is widely used for binary data, with the estimates reported as odds ratios (OR). If it’s appropriate for case-control studies, risk ratios (RR) are preferred for cohort studies as RR provides estimates of probabilities directly. Moreover, it is often forgotten the assumption of rare event rate, and the OR will overestimate the true effect.

One approach to get RR is to fit a generalised linear model (GLM) with a binomial distribution and a log link. But these models may sometimes fail to converge (Zou, 2004). Another option is to use a Poisson regression with no exposure or offset specified (McNutt, 2003). It gives estimates with very little bias but confidence intervals that are too wide. However, using robust standard errors gives correct confidence intervals (Greenland, 2004, Zou, 2004).

We use data on culling of dairy cows to demonstrate this.

temp <- tempfile()
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/culling.rdata"))


  0   1 
255 466 
### recoding number of lactation
culling$lact <- with(culling, ifelse(lact_c3 > 1, 2, lact_c3))

The logistic regression:

log.reg <- glm(culled ~ lact, family = binomial("logit"), data = culling)

glm(formula = culled ~ lact, family = binomial("logit"), data = culling)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.546  -1.199   0.849   0.849   1.156  

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   -0.734      0.299   -2.45    0.014 *  
lact           0.784      0.171    4.59  4.4e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 936.86  on 720  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 915.84  on 719  degrees of freedom
AIC: 919.8

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

cbind(exp(coef(log.reg)), exp(confint(log.reg)))
Waiting for profiling to be done...
                 2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 0.48 0.267  0.864
lact        2.19 1.568  3.065

We could compute by hand the OR and RR:

with(culling, table(culled, lact))
culled   1   2
     0  97 158
     1 102 364
## OR is 2.19:
(364 / 158) / (102 / 97)
[1] 2.19
## or the ratio between the cross-products
(364 * 97) / (158 * 102)
[1] 2.19
## or with epicalc
with(culling, cc(culled, lact, graph = FALSE))

culled    1   2 Total
  0      97 158   255
  1     102 364   466
  Total 199 522   721

OR =  2.19 
Exact 95% CI =  1.54, 3.1  
Chi-squared = 21.51, 1 d.f., P value = 0
Fisher's exact test (2-sided) P value = 0 

# RR is 1.36:
(364 / 522) / (102 / 199)
[1] 1.36

The GLM with binomial distribution and log link:

log.reg2 <- glm(culled ~ lact, family = binomial(link = "log"), data = culling)

glm(formula = culled ~ lact, family = binomial(link = "log"), 
    data = culling)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.546  -1.199   0.849   0.849   1.156  

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  -0.9762     0.1412   -6.91  4.8e-12 ***
lact          0.3078     0.0749    4.11  4.0e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 936.86  on 720  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 915.84  on 719  degrees of freedom
AIC: 919.8

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

cbind(exp(coef(log.reg2)), exp(confint(log.reg2)))
Waiting for profiling to be done...
                  2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 0.377  0.28  0.488
lact        1.360  1.18  1.588

The modified Poisson with robust estimator as described by Zou, 2004 (GEE with individual observations treated as a repeated measure):

## create id for each observation
culling$id <- 1:length(culling$herd)
zou.mod <- geeglm(culled ~ lact, family = poisson(link = "log"), id = id, corstr = "exchangeable", data = culling)

geeglm(formula = culled ~ lact, family = poisson(link = "log"), 
    data = culling, id = id, corstr = "exchangeable")

            Estimate Std.err Wald Pr(>|W|)    
(Intercept)  -0.9762  0.1412 47.8  4.8e-12 ***
lact          0.3078  0.0749 16.9  4.0e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Estimated Scale Parameters:
            Estimate Std.err
(Intercept)    0.354   0.021

Correlation: Structure = exchangeable  Link = identity 

Estimated Correlation Parameters:
      Estimate Std.err
alpha        0       0
Number of clusters:   721   Maximum cluster size: 1 
## exponentiated coefficients
(Intercept)        lact 
      0.377       1.360 
## getting confidence intervals
zou.mod.coefci <- esticon(zou.mod, diag(2))
zou.mod.expci <- exp(cbind(zou.mod.coefci$Estimate, zou.mod.coefci$Lower, zou.mod.coefci$Upper))
rownames(zou.mod.expci) <- names(coef(zou.mod))
colnames(zou.mod.expci) <- c("RR", "Lower RR", "Upper RR")
               RR Lower RR Upper RR
(Intercept) 0.377    0.286    0.497
lact        1.360    1.175    1.576

Or the same using glm() and then getting robust standard errors:

pois.reg <- glm(culled ~ lact, family = poisson(link = "log"), data = culling)
library(sandwich) # to get robust estimators
library(lmtest) # to test coefficients
coeftest(pois.reg, vcov = sandwich)

z test of coefficients:

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  -0.9762     0.1412   -6.91  4.8e-12 ***
lact          0.3078     0.0749    4.11  4.0e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

## RR
(Intercept)        lact 
      0.377       1.360 
## CI
0.3078 + qnorm(0.05 / 2) * 0.0749 # upper 95% CI
[1] 0.161
exp(0.3078 + qnorm(0.05 / 2) * 0.0749)
[1] 1.17
0.3078 + qnorm(1 - 0.05 / 2) * 0.0749 # lower 95% CI
[1] 0.455
exp(0.3078 + qnorm(1 - 0.05 / 2) * 0.0749)
[1] 1.58

So no excuse to use odds ratios when risk ratios are more appropriate!

Addition: Plotting the Risk Ratios

zou.mod2 <- geeglm(culled ~ lact + johnes, family = poisson(link = "log"),
                   id = id, corstr = "exchangeable", data = culling)
zou.mod2.coefci <- esticon(zou.mod2, diag(3))
zou.mod2.expci <- exp(cbind(zou.mod2.coefci$Estimate, zou.mod2.coefci$Lower,
rownames(zou.mod2.expci) <- names(coef(zou.mod2))
colnames(zou.mod2.expci) <- c("RR", "LowerCI", "UpperCI")
zou.df <- as.data.frame(zou.mod2.expci)
zou.df$var <- row.names(zou.df)
ggplot(zou.df[2:3, ], aes(y = RR, x = reorder(var, RR))) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = LowerCI, ymax = UpperCI)) + 
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Lactation", "Johnes")) + 
  scale_y_log10(breaks = seq(1, 2, by = 0.1)) +
  xlab("") + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dotdash", colour = "blue") +

Thanks to Tal Galili for suggesting this addition.

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Count and Rate Data – Zero Counts

Continuing on the examples from the book Veterinary Epidemiologic Research, we look today at modelling count when the count of zeros may be higher or lower than expected from a Poisson or negative binomial distribution. When there’s an excess of zero counts, you can fit either a zero-inflated model or a hurdle model. If zero counts are not possible, a zero-truncated model can be use.

Zero-inflated models

Zero-inflated models manage an excess of zero counts by simultaneously fitting a binary model and a Poisson (or negative binomial) model. In R, you can fit zero-inflated models (and hurdle models) with the library pscl. We use the fec dataset which give the fecal egg counts of gastro-intestinal nematodes from 313 cows in 38 dairy herds where half of the observations have zero counts. The predictors in the model are lactation (primiparous vs. multiparous), access to pasture, manure spread on heifer pasture, and manure spread on cow pasture.

temp <- tempfile()
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/fec.rdata"))

mod3 <- zeroinfl(fec ~ lact + past_lact + man_heif + man_lact, data = fec, dist = "negbin")
zeroinfl(formula = fec ~ lact + past_lact + man_heif + man_lact, data = fec, 
    dist = "negbin")

Pearson residuals:
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-0.5055 -0.4537 -0.3624 -0.1426 27.3064 

Count model coefficients (negbin with log link):
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  2.36949    0.13117  18.064  < 2e-16 ***
lact        -1.15847    0.10664 -10.864  < 2e-16 ***
past_lact    0.53666    0.14233   3.771 0.000163 ***
man_heif    -0.99849    0.14216  -7.024 2.16e-12 ***
man_lact     1.07858    0.15789   6.831 8.43e-12 ***
Log(theta)  -1.35981    0.05425 -25.065  < 2e-16 ***

Zero-inflation model coefficients (binomial with logit link):
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  -0.9303     0.2932  -3.173  0.00151 ** 
lact          0.8701     0.3083   2.822  0.00477 ** 
past_lact    -1.8003     0.3989  -4.513  6.4e-06 ***
man_heif     -0.7702     0.4669  -1.650  0.09903 .  
man_lact    -12.2380   167.9185  -0.073  0.94190    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Theta = 0.2567 
Number of iterations in BFGS optimization: 47 
Log-likelihood: -5239 on 11 Df

We can assess if the zero-inflated model fits the data better than a Poisson or negative binomial model with a Vuong test. If the value of the test is 1.96 indicates superiority of model 1 over model 2. If the value lies between -1.96 and 1.96, neither model is preferred.

### fit same model with negative binomial
mod3.nb <- glm.nb(fec ~ lact + past_lact + man_heif + man_lact, data = fec)
### Vuong test
vuong(mod3, mod3.nb)
Vuong Non-Nested Hypothesis Test-Statistic: 3.308663 
(test-statistic is asymptotically distributed N(0,1) under the
 null that the models are indistinguishible)
in this case:
model1 > model2, with p-value 0.0004687128

### alpha
[1] 3.895448

The Vuong statistic is 3.3 (p < 0.001) indicating the first model, the zero-inflated one, is superior to the regular negative binomial. Note that R does not estimate \alpha but its inverse, \theta . \alpha is 3.9, suggesting a negative binomial is preferable to a Poisson model.
The parameter modelled in the binary part is the probability of a zero count: having lactating cows on pasture reduced the probability of a zero count (\beta = -1.8), and increased the expected count if it was non-zero (\beta = 0.54).

Hurdle models

A hurdle model has also 2 components but it is based on the assumption that zero counts arise from only one process and non-zero counts are determined by a different process. The odds of non-zero count vs. a zero count is modelled by a binomial model while the distribution of non-zero counts is modelled by a zero-truncated model. We refit the fec dataset above with a negative binomial hurdle model:

mod4 <- hurdle(fec ~ lact + past_lact + man_heif + man_lact, data = fec, dist = "negbin")

hurdle(formula = fec ~ lact + past_lact + man_heif + man_lact, data = fec, 
    dist = "negbin")

Pearson residuals:
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-0.4598 -0.3914 -0.3130 -0.1479 23.6774 

Count model coefficients (truncated negbin with log link):
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   1.1790     0.4801   2.456  0.01407 *  
lact         -1.1349     0.1386  -8.187 2.69e-16 ***
past_lact     0.5813     0.1782   3.261  0.00111 ** 
man_heif     -0.9854     0.1832  -5.379 7.50e-08 ***
man_lact      1.0139     0.1998   5.075 3.87e-07 ***
Log(theta)   -2.9111     0.5239  -5.556 2.76e-08 ***
Zero hurdle model coefficients (binomial with logit link):
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -0.13078    0.10434  -1.253  0.21006    
lact        -0.84485    0.09728  -8.684  < 2e-16 ***
past_lact    0.84113    0.11326   7.427 1.11e-13 ***
man_heif    -0.35576    0.13582  -2.619  0.00881 ** 
man_lact     0.85947    0.15337   5.604 2.10e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Theta: count = 0.0544
Number of iterations in BFGS optimization: 25 
Log-likelihood: -5211 on 11 Df

We can compare zero-inflated and hurdle models by their log-likelihood. The hurdle model fits better:

'log Lik.' -5211.18 (df=11)
'log Lik.' -5238.622 (df=11)
### Null model for model 3:
mod3.null <- update(mod3, . ~ 1)
'log Lik.' -5428.732 (df=3)

Zero-truncated model

Sometimes zero counts are not possible. In a zero-truncated model, the probability of a zero count is computed from a Poisson (or negative binomial) distribution and this value is subtracted from 1. The remaining probabilities are rescaled based on this difference so they total 1. We use the daisy2 dataset and look at the number of services required for conception (which cannot be zero…) with the predictors parity, days from calving to first service, and presence/absence of vaginal discharge.

temp <- tempfile()
  "http://ic.upei.ca/ver/sites/ic.upei.ca.ver/files/ver2_data_R.zip", temp)
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/daisy2.rdata"))

mod5 <- vglm(spc ~ parity + cf + vag_disch, family = posnegbinomial(), data = daisy2)
vglm(formula = spc ~ parity + cf + vag_disch, family = posnegbinomial(), 
    data = daisy2)

Pearson Residuals:
               Min       1Q    Median      3Q    Max
log(munb)  -1.1055 -0.90954  0.071527 0.82039 3.5591
log(size) -17.4891 -0.39674 -0.260103 0.82155 1.4480

                Estimate Std. Error z value
(Intercept):1  0.1243178 0.08161432  1.5232
(Intercept):2 -0.4348170 0.10003096 -4.3468
parity         0.0497743 0.01213893  4.1004
cf            -0.0040649 0.00068602 -5.9254
vag_disch      0.4704433 0.10888570  4.3205

Number of linear predictors:  2 

Names of linear predictors: log(munb), log(size)

Dispersion Parameter for posnegbinomial family:   1

Log-likelihood: -10217.68 on 13731 degrees of freedom

Number of iterations: 5 

As cows get older, the number of services required increase, and the longer the first service was delayed, the fewer services were required.
The first intercept is the usual intercept. The second intercept is the over dispersion parameter \alpha .

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Count and Rate Data – Poisson & Negative Binomial Regressions

Still going through the book Veterinary Epidemiologic Research and today it’s chapter 18, modelling count and rate data. I’ll have a look at Poisson and negative binomial regressions in R.
We use count regression when the outcome we are measuring is a count of number of times an event occurs in an individual or group of individuals. We will use a dataset holding information on outbreaks of tuberculosis in dairy and beef cattle, cervids and bison in Canada between 1985 and 1994.

temp <- tempfile()
load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/tb_real.rdata"))

tb_real<- upData(tb_real, labels = c(farm_id = 'Farm identification',
                            type = 'Type of animal',
                            sex = 'Sex', age = 'Age category',
                            reactors = 'Number of pos/reactors in the group',
                            par = 'Animal days at risk in the group'),
                 levels = list(type = list('Dairy' = 1, 'Beef' = 2,
                                 'Cervid' = 3, 'Other' = 4),
                   sex = list('Female' = 0, 'Male' = 1),
                   age = list('0-12 mo' = 0, '12-24 mo' = 1, '>24 mo' = 2)))

An histogram of the count of TB reactors is shown hereafter:

hist(tb_real$reactors, breaks = 0:30 - 0.5)

In a Poisson regression, the mean and variance are equal.

A Poisson regression model with type of animal, sex and age as predictors, and the time at risk is:

mod1 <- glm(reactors ~ type + sex + age + offset(log(par)), family = poisson, data = tb_real)
(mod1.sum <- summary(mod1))

glm(formula = reactors ~ type + sex + age + offset(log(par)), 
    family = poisson, data = tb_real)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-3.5386  -0.8607  -0.3364  -0.0429   8.7903  

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -11.6899     0.7398 -15.802  < 2e-16 ***
typeBeef      0.4422     0.2364   1.871 0.061410 .  
typeCervid    1.0662     0.2334   4.569 4.91e-06 ***
typeOther     0.4384     0.6149   0.713 0.475898    
sexMale      -0.3619     0.1954  -1.852 0.064020 .  
age12-24 mo   2.6734     0.7217   3.704 0.000212 ***
age>24 mo     2.6012     0.7136   3.645 0.000267 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 409.03  on 133  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 348.35  on 127  degrees of freedom
AIC: 491.32

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8

### here's an other way of writing the offset in the formula: 
mod1b <- glm(reactors ~ type + sex + age, offset = log(par), family = poisson, data = tb_real)

Quickly checking the overdispersion, the residual deviance should be equal to the residual degrees of freedom if the Poisson errors assumption is met. We have 348.4 on 127 degrees of freedom. The overdispersion present is due to the clustering of animals within herd, which was not taken into account.

The incidence rate and confidence interval can be obtained with:

cbind(exp(coef(mod1)), exp(confint(mod1)))
Waiting for profiling to be done...
                                2.5 %       97.5 %
(Intercept) 8.378225e-06 1.337987e-06 2.827146e-05
typeBeef    1.556151e+00 9.923864e-01 2.517873e+00
typeCervid  2.904441e+00 1.866320e+00 4.677376e+00
typeOther   1.550202e+00 3.670397e-01 4.459753e+00
sexMale     6.963636e-01 4.687998e-01 1.010750e+00
age12-24 mo 1.448939e+01 4.494706e+00 8.867766e+01
age>24 mo   1.347980e+01 4.284489e+00 8.171187e+01

As said in the post for logistic regression, the profile likelihood-based CI is preferable due to the Hauck-Donner effect (overestimation of the SE) (see also abstract by H. Stryhn at ISVEE X).

The deviance and Pearson goodness-of-fit test statistics can be done with:

# deviance gof
pchisq(deviance(mod1), df.residual(mod1), lower = FALSE)
[1] 1.630092e-22
#Pearson statistic
mod1.pearson <- residuals(mod1, type = "pearson")
1-pchisq(sum(mod1.pearson^2), mod1$df.residual)
[1] 0

Diagnostics can be obtained as usual (see previous posts) but we can also use the Anscombe residuals:

mod1.ansc <- residualsAnscombe(tb_real$reactors, mod1$fitted.values, family = poisson())

plot(predict(mod1, type = "response"), mod1.ansc)
plot(cooks.distance(mod1), mod1.ansc)

Diagnostic plot - Anscombe residuals vs. predicted counts
Diagnostic plot – Anscombe residuals vs. predicted counts

Diagnostic plot - Anscombe residuals vs. Cook's distance
Diagnostic plot – Anscombe residuals vs. Cook’s distance

Negative binomial regression models are for count data for which the variance is not constrained to equal the mean. We can refit the above model as a negative binomial model using full maximum likelihood estimation:

mod2 <- glm.nb(reactors ~ type + sex + age + offset(log(par)), data = tb_real)
(mod2.sum <- summary(mod2))

glm.nb(formula = reactors ~ type + sex + age + offset(log(par)), 
    data = tb_real, init.theta = 0.5745887328, link = log)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-1.77667  -0.74441  -0.45509  -0.09632   2.70012  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -11.18145    0.92302 -12.114  < 2e-16 ***
typeBeef      0.60461    0.62282   0.971 0.331665    
typeCervid    0.66572    0.63176   1.054 0.291993    
typeOther     0.80003    0.96988   0.825 0.409442    
sexMale      -0.05748    0.38337  -0.150 0.880819    
age12-24 mo   2.25304    0.77915   2.892 0.003832 ** 
age>24 mo     2.48095    0.75283   3.296 0.000982 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

(Dispersion parameter for Negative Binomial(0.5746) family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 111.33  on 133  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  99.36  on 127  degrees of freedom
AIC: 331.47

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 1

              Theta:  0.575 
          Std. Err.:  0.143 

 2 x log-likelihood:  -315.472 

### to use a specific value for the link parameter (2 for example):
mod2b <- glm(reactors ~ type + sex + age + offset(log(par)),
             family = negative.binomial(2), data = tb_real)

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: GLM (part 4) – Exact and Conditional Logistic Regressions

Next topic on logistic regression: the exact and the conditional logistic regressions.

Exact logistic regression
When the dataset is very small or severely unbalanced, maximum likelihood estimates of coefficients may be biased. An alternative is to use exact logistic regression, available in R with the elrm package. Its syntax is based on an events/trials formulation. The dataset has to be collapsed into a data frame with unique combinations of predictors.
Another possibility is to use robust standard errors, and get comparable p-values to those obtained with exact logistic regression.

### exact logistic regression
x <- xtabs(~ casecont + interaction(dneo, dclox), data = nocardia)
        interaction(dneo, dclox)
casecont 0.0 1.0 0.1 1.1
       0  20  15   9  10
       1   2  44   3   5
> nocardia.coll <- data.frame(dneo = rep(1:0, 2), dclox = rep(1:0, each = 2),
+                    casecont = x[1, ], ntrials = colSums(x))
    dneo dclox casecont ntrials
0.0    1     1       20      22
1.0    0     1       15      59
0.1    1     0        9      12
1.1    0     0       10      15

Le chargement a nécessité le package : coda
Le chargement a nécessité le package : lattice
mod5 <- elrm(formula = casecont/ntrials ~ dneo,
             interest = ~dneo,
             iter = 100000, dataset = nocardia.coll, burnIn = 2000)

### robust SE
Le chargement a nécessité le package : fit.models
Le chargement a nécessité le package : MASS
Le chargement a nécessité le package : robustbase
Le chargement a nécessité le package : rrcov
Le chargement a nécessité le package : pcaPP
Le chargement a nécessité le package : mvtnorm
Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point (version 1.3-02)

mod6 <- glmrob(casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + dneo*dclox,
+                family = binomial, data = nocardia, method= "Mqle",
+                control= glmrobMqle.control(tcc=1.2))
> summary(mod6)

Call:  glmrob(formula = casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + dneo * dclox,      family = binomial, data = nocardia, method = "Mqle", control = glmrobMqle.control(tcc = 1.2)) 

             Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -4.440253   1.239138  -3.583 0.000339 ***
dcpct        0.025947   0.008504   3.051 0.002279 ** 
dneo         3.604941   1.034714   3.484 0.000494 ***
dclox        0.713411   1.193426   0.598 0.549984    
dneo:dclox  -2.935345   1.367212  -2.147 0.031797 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
Robustness weights w.r * w.x: 
 89 weights are ~= 1. The remaining 19 ones are summarized as
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.1484  0.4979  0.6813  0.6558  0.8764  0.9525 

Number of observations: 108 
Fitted by method ‘Mqle’  (in 5 iterations)

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

No deviance values available 
Algorithmic parameters: 
   acc    tcc 
0.0001 1.2000 

Conditional logistic regression

Matched case-control studies analyzed with unconditional logistic regression model produce estimates of the odds ratios that are the square of their true value. But we can use conditional logistic regression to analyze matched case-control studies and get correct estimates. Instead of estimating a parameter for each matched set, a conditional model conditions the fixed effects out of the estimation. It can be run in R with clogit from the survival package:

temp <- tempfile()
> download.file(
+   "http://ic.upei.ca/ver/sites/ic.upei.ca.ver/files/ver2_data_R.zip", temp)
essai de l'URL 'http://ic.upei.ca/ver/sites/ic.upei.ca.ver/files/ver2_data_R.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 1107873 bytes (1.1 Mb)
URL ouverte
downloaded 1.1 Mb

load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/sal_outbrk.rdata"))
### Salmonella outbreak dataset

mod7 <- clogit(casecontrol ~ slt_a + strata(match_grp), data = sal_outbrk)

coxph(formula = Surv(rep(1, 112L), casecontrol) ~ slt_a + strata(match_grp), 
    data = sal_outbrk, method = "exact")

  n= 112, number of events= 39 

        coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z Pr(>|z|)   
slt_a 1.4852    4.4159   0.5181 2.867  0.00415 **
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

      exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
slt_a     4.416     0.2265       1.6     12.19

Rsquare= 0.085   (max possible= 0.518 )
Likelihood ratio test= 10  on 1 df,   p=0.001568
Wald test            = 8.22  on 1 df,   p=0.004148
Score (logrank) test = 9.48  on 1 df,   p=0.002075

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: GLM – Evaluating Logistic Regression Models (part 3)

Third part on logistic regression (first here, second here).
Two steps in assessing the fit of the model: first is to determine if the model fits using summary measures of goodness of fit or by assessing the predictive ability of the model; second is to deterime if there’s any observations that do not fit the model or that have an influence on the model.

Covariate pattern
A covariate pattern is a unique combination of values of predictor variables.

mod3 <- glm(casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + dneo*dclox,
+             family = binomial("logit"), data = nocardia)

glm(formula = casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + dneo * dclox, 
    family = binomial("logit"), data = nocardia)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.9191  -0.7682   0.1874   0.5876   2.6755  

                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)      -3.776896   0.993251  -3.803 0.000143 ***
dcpct             0.022618   0.007723   2.928 0.003406 ** 
dneoYes           3.184002   0.837199   3.803 0.000143 ***
dcloxYes          0.445705   1.026026   0.434 0.663999    
dneoYes:dcloxYes -2.551997   1.205075  -2.118 0.034200 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 149.72  on 107  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 103.42  on 103  degrees of freedom
AIC: 113.42

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

Package epiR 0.9-45 is loaded
Type help(epi.about) for summary information

mod3.mf <- model.frame(mod3)
(mod3.cp <- epi.cp(mod3.mf[-1]))
    id  n dcpct dneo dclox
1    1  7     0   No    No
2    2 38   100  Yes    No
3    3  1    25   No    No
4    4  1     1   No    No
5    5 11   100   No   Yes
8    6  1    25  Yes   Yes
10   7  1    14  Yes    No
12   8  4    75  Yes    No
13   9  1    90  Yes   Yes
14  10  1    30   No    No
15  11  3     5  Yes    No
17  12  9   100  Yes   Yes
22  13  2    20  Yes    No
23  14  8   100   No    No
25  15  2    50  Yes   Yes
26  16  1     7   No    No
27  17  4    50  Yes    No
28  18  1    50   No    No
31  19  1    30  Yes    No
34  20  1    99   No    No
35  21  1    99  Yes   Yes
40  22  1    80  Yes   Yes
48  23  1     3  Yes    No
59  24  1     1  Yes    No
77  25  1    10   No    No
84  26  1    83   No   Yes
85  27  1    95  Yes    No
88  28  1    99  Yes    No
89  29  1    25  Yes    No
105 30  1    40  Yes    No

  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  1  1  6  5  7  5  8  9 10 11 11 12  1 12  1  5 13 14  2 15
 [26] 16 17 18  1  2 19  2 14 20 21 12 14  5  8 22 14  5  5  5  1 14 14 23  2 12
 [51] 14 12 11  5 15  2  8  2 24  2  2  8  2 17  2  2  2  2 12 12 12  2  2  2  5
 [76]  2 25  2 17  2  2  2  2 26 27 13 17 28 29 14  2 12  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
[101]  2  2  2  2 30  2  2  5

There are 30 covariate patterns in the dataset. The pattern dcpct=100, dneo=Yes, dclox=No appears 38 times.

Pearson and deviance residuals
Residuals represent the difference between the data and the model. The Pearson residuals are comparable to standardized residuals used for linear regression models. Deviance residuals represent the contribution of each observation to the overall deviance.

residuals(mod3) # deviance residuals
residuals(mod3, "pearson") # pearson residuals

Goodness-of-fit test
All goodness-of-fit tests are based on the premise that the data will be divided into subsets and within each subset the predicted number of outcomes will be computed and compared to the observed number of outcomes. The Pearson \chi^2 and the deviance \chi^2 are based on dividing the data up into the natural covariate patterns. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test is based on a more arbitrary division of the data.

The Pearson \chi^2 is similar to the residual sum of squares used in linear models. It will be close in size to the deviance, but the model is fit to minimize the deviance and not the Pearson \chi^2 . It is thus possible even if unlikely that the \chi^2 could increase as a predictor is added to the model.

sum(residuals(mod3, type = "pearson")^2)
[1] 123.9656
[1] 103.4168
1 - pchisq(deviance(mod3), df.residual(mod3))
[1] 0.4699251

The p-value is large indicating no evidence of lack of fit. However, when using the deviance statistic to assess the goodness-of-fit for a nonsaturated logistic model, the \chi^2 approximation for the likelihood ratio test is questionable. When the covariate pattern is almost as large as N, the deviance cannot be assumed to have a \chi^2 distribution.
Now the Hosmer-Lemeshow test, usually dividing by 10 the data:

hosmerlem <- function (y, yhat, g = 10) {
+   cutyhat <- cut(yhat, breaks = quantile(yhat, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g)),
+                  include.lowest = TRUE)
+   obs <- xtabs(cbind(1 - y, y) ~ cutyhat)
+   expect <- xtabs(cbind(1 - yhat, yhat) ~ cutyhat)
+   chisq <- sum((obs - expect)^2 / expect)
+   P <- 1 - pchisq(chisq, g - 2)
+   c("X^2" = chisq, Df = g - 2, "P(>Chi)" = P)
+ }
hosmerlem(y = nocardia$casecont, yhat = fitted(mod3))
Erreur dans cut.default(yhat, breaks = quantile(yhat, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g)),  (depuis #2) :
  'breaks' are not unique

The model used has many ties in its predicted probabilities (too few covariate values?) resulting in an error when running the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Using fewer cut-points (g = 5 or 7) does not solve the problem. This is a typical example when not to use this test. A better goodness-of-fit test than Hosmer-Lemeshow and Pearson / deviance \chi^2 tests is the le Cessie – van Houwelingen – Copas – Hosmer unweighted sum of squares test for global goodness of fit (also here) implemented in the rms package (but you have to implement your model with the lrm function of this package):

mod3b <- lrm(casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + dneo*dclox, nocardia,
+              method = "lrm.fit", model = TRUE, x = TRUE, y = TRUE,
+              linear.predictors = TRUE, se.fit = FALSE)
residuals(mod3b, type = "gof")
Sum of squared errors     Expected value|H0                    SD 
           16.4288056            16.8235055             0.2775694 
                    Z                     P 
           -1.4219860             0.1550303 

The p-value is 0.16 so there’s no evidence the model is incorrect. Even better than these tests would be to check for linearity of the predictors.

Sometimes we can get a deviance that is much larger than expected if the model was correct. It can be due to the presence of outliers, sparse data or clustering of data. The approach to deal with overdispersion is to add a dispersion parameter \sigma^2 . It can be estimated with: \hat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{\chi^2}{n - p} (p = probability of success). A half-normal plot of the residuals can help checking for outliers:

Half-normal plot of the residuals
Half-normal plot of the residuals

The dispesion parameter of model 1 can be found as:

(sigma2 <- sum(residuals(mod1, type = "pearson")^2) / 104)
[1] 1.128778
drop1(mod1, scale = sigma2, test = "F")
Single term deletions

casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox

scale:  1.128778 

       Df Deviance    AIC F value    Pr(>F)    
<none>      107.99 115.99                      
dcpct   1   119.34 124.05 10.9350  0.001296 ** 
dneo    1   125.86 129.82 17.2166 6.834e-05 ***
dclox   1   114.73 119.96  6.4931  0.012291 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
Message d'avis :
In drop1.glm(mod1, scale = sigma2, test = "F") :
  le test F implique une famille 'quasibinomial'

The dispersion parameter is not very different than one (no dispersion). If dispersion was present, you could use it in the F-tests for the predictors, adding scale to drop1.

Predictive ability of the model
A ROC curve can be drawn:

predicted <- predict(mod3)
prob <- prediction(predicted, nocardia$casecont, 
+                    label.ordering = c('Control', 'Case'))
tprfpr <- performance(prob, "tpr", "fpr")
tpr <- unlist(slot(tprfpr, "y.values"))
fpr <- unlist(slot(tprfpr, "x.values"))
roc <- data.frame(tpr, fpr)
ggplot(roc) + geom_line(aes(x = fpr, y = tpr)) + 
+   geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = "gray") + 
+   ylab("Sensitivity") + 
+   xlab("1 - Specificity")
ROC curve
ROC curve

Identifying important observations
Like for linear regression, large positive or negative standardized residuals allow to identify points which are not well fit by the model. A plot of Pearson residuals as a function of the logit for model 1 is drawn here, with bubbles relative to size of the covariate pattern. The plot should be an horizontal band with observations between -3 and +3. Covariate patterns 25 and 26 are problematic.

nocardia$casecont.num <- as.numeric(nocardia$casecont) - 1
mod1 <- glm(casecont.num ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox, family = binomial("logit"),
+             data = nocardia) # "logit" can be omitted as it is the default
mod1.mf <- model.frame(mod1)
mod1.cp <- epi.cp(mod1.mf[-1])
nocardia.cp <- as.data.frame(cbind(cpid = mod1.cp$id,
+                                    nocardia[ , c(1, 9:11, 13)],
+                                    fit = fitted(mod1)))
### Residuals and delta betas based on covariate pattern:
mod1.obs <- as.vector(by(as.numeric(nocardia.cp$casecont.num),
+                          as.factor(nocardia.cp$cpid), FUN = sum))
mod1.fit <- as.vector(by(nocardia.cp$fit, as.factor(nocardia.cp$cpid),
+                          FUN = min))
mod1.res <- epi.cpresids(obs = mod1.obs, fit = mod1.fit,
+                          covpattern = mod1.cp)

mod1.lodds <- as.vector(by(predict(mod1), as.factor(nocardia.cp$cpid),
+                            FUN = min))

plot(mod1.lodds, mod1.res$spearson,
+      type = "n", ylab = "Pearson Residuals", xlab = "Logit")
text(mod1.lodds, mod1.res$spearson, labels = mod1.res$cpid, cex = 0.8)
symbols(mod1.lodds, mod1.res$pearson, circles = mod1.res$n, add = TRUE)
Bubble plot of standardized residuals
Bubble plot of standardized residuals

The hat matrix is used to calculate leverage values and other diagnostic parameters. Leverage measures the potential impact of an observation. Points with high leverage have a potential impact. Covariate patterns 2, 14, 12 and 5 have the largest leverage values.

mod1.res[sort.list(mod1.res$leverage, decreasing = TRUE), ]
cpid  leverage
2   0.74708052
14  0.54693851
12  0.54017700
5   0.42682684
11  0.21749664
1   0.19129427

Delta-betas provides an overall estimate of the effect of the j^{th} covariate pattern on the regression coefficients. It is analogous to Cook’s distance in linear regression. Covariate pattern 2 has the largest delta-beta (and represents 38 observations).

mod1.res[sort.list(mod1.res$sdeltabeta, decreasing = TRUE), ]
cpid sdeltabeta
2    7.890878470
14   3.983840529

Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: GLM – Logistic Regression (part 2)

Second part on logistic regression (first one here).
We used in the previous post a likelihood ratio test to compare a full and null model. The same can be done to compare a full and nested model to test the contribution of any subset of parameters:

mod1.nest <- glm(casecont ~ dcpct, family = binomial("logit"),
+             data = nocardia)
lr.mod1.nest <- -(deviance(mod1.nest) / 2)
(lr <- 2 * (lr.mod1 - lr.mod1.nest))
[1] 30.16203
1 - pchisq(lr, 2)
[1] 2.820974e-07
### or, more straightforward, using anova to compare the 2 models:
anova(mod1, mod1.nest, test = "Chisq")
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox
Model 2: casecont ~ dcpct
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance  Pr(>Chi)    
1       104     107.99                          
2       106     138.15 -2  -30.162 2.821e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Interpretation of coefficients

### example 16.2
nocardia$dbarn <- as.factor(nocardia$dbarn)
mod2 <- glm(casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + dbarn,
+               family = binomial("logit"), data = nocardia)
(mod2.sum <- summary(mod2))

glm(formula = casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + dbarn, family = binomial("logit"), 
    data = nocardia)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.6949  -0.7853   0.1021   0.7692   2.6801  

               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   -2.445696   0.854328  -2.863  0.00420 ** 
dcpct          0.021604   0.007657   2.821  0.00478 ** 
dneoYes        2.685280   0.677273   3.965 7.34e-05 ***
dcloxYes      -1.235266   0.580976  -2.126  0.03349 *  
dbarntiestall -1.333732   0.631925  -2.111  0.03481 *  
dbarnother    -0.218350   1.154293  -0.189  0.84996    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 149.72  on 107  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 102.32  on 102  degrees of freedom
AIC: 114.32

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

cbind(exp(coef(mod2)), exp(confint(mod2)))
Waiting for profiling to be done...
                               2.5 %     97.5 %
(Intercept)    0.08666577 0.01410982  0.4105607
dcpct          1.02183934 1.00731552  1.0383941
dneoYes       14.66230075 4.33039752 64.5869271
dcloxYes       0.29075729 0.08934565  0.8889877
dbarntiestall  0.26349219 0.06729031  0.8468235
dbarnother     0.80384385 0.08168466  8.2851189

Note: Dohoo do not report the profile likelihood-based confidence interval on page 404. As said in the previous post, the profile likelihood-based CI is preferable due to the Hauck-Donner effect (overestimation of the SE).

Using neomycin in the herd increases the log odds of Nocardia mastitis by 2.7 units (or using neomycin increases the odds 14.7 times). Since Nocardia mastitis is a rare condition, we can interpret the odds ratio as a risk ratio (RR) and say neomycin increases the risk of Nocardia mastitis by 15 times. Changing the percentage of dry cows treated from 50 to 75% increases the log odds of disease by (75 - 50) \times 0.022 = 0.55 units (or 1.022^{(75-50)} = 1.72 ). An increase of 25% in the percentage of cows dry-treated increases the risk of disease by about 72% (i.e. 1.72 times). Tiestall barns and other barn types both have lower risks of Nocardia mastitis than freestall barns.

The significance of the main effects can be tested with:

drop1(mod2, test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox + as.factor(dbarn)
                 Df Deviance    AIC     LRT  Pr(>Chi)    
<none>                102.32 114.32                      
dcpct             1   111.36 121.36  9.0388  0.002643 ** 
dneo              1   123.91 133.91 21.5939 3.369e-06 ***
dclox             1   107.02 117.02  4.7021  0.030126 *  
as.factor(dbarn)  2   107.99 115.99  5.6707  0.058697 .  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

The drop1 function tests each predictor relative to the full model.

Presenting effects of factors on the probability scale
Usually we think about the probability of disease rather than the odds, and the probability of disease is not linearly related to the factor of interest. A unit increase in the factor does not increase the probability of disease by a fixed amount. It depends on the level of the factor and the levels of other factors in the model.

mod1 <- glm(casecont ~ dcpct + dneo + dclox, family = binomial("logit"),
+             data = nocardia)
nocardia$neo.pred <- predict(mod1, type = "response", se.fit = FALSE)
ggplot(nocardia, aes(x = dcpct, y = neo.pred, group = dneo,
+                      colour = factor(dneo))) + 
+   stat_smooth(method = "glm", family = "binomial", se = FALSE) +
+   labs(colour = "Neomycin", x = "Percent of cows dry treated",
+        y = "Probability of Nocardia")
Effect of dry-cow treatment
Effect of dry-cow treatment

Next: evaluating logistic regression models.